If you are a Christian staff member working at the University of Newcastle or you are a post-graduate, life can be lonely on campus. The Christian Staff & Postgraduates group is a great place to connect with like-minded people and people who are interested in learning more about Christianity. The Newcastle Christians Staff and Postgraduates Group falls under the umbrella of the University of Newcastle Chaplaincy service and partners with Newcastle Christian Students to serve the needs of Christian staff and Postgraduates.

Our weekly activities:

Monday 8:00-8:30am – Zoom Prayer Meeting

On Monday Morning a group of Christian university staff and postgraduates meet together Zoom to pray for one another and for the campus.

If you would like the Zoom link please email simon.iveson@newcastle.edu.au

Tuesday 1-2pm ODD SEMESTER WEEKS – Christian Staff Seminar

The first Christian Staff Seminar for the year will be on Tuesday 27th of February 2024, on Zoom and in person from 1-2 pm. If you would like more details i.e. location the meeting will be held or would to be contacted about these meetings, please email Neil Foster (neil.foster@newcastle.edu.au) to be added to the mailing list.

Weekly Christian Staff Bible Study (Tuesday 1-2pm EVEN SEMESTER WEEKS in the Brennan Room, Shortland Building, Callghan Campus)

This is simply a time of encouragement to read the Bible together in person at Callaghan. If you would like more details of this meeting please email robert.chapman@newcastle.edu.au.

If you would like more information about the Christian Staff & Postgraduates group please feel free to get in touch with any of the people listed above.