NCS Newy includes students from UoN Callaghan, UoN City and TAFE. Our main events are our weekly Bible Talks, but we also meet in smaller groups and hang out at our various campuses.
Bible Talks
All are welcome to join us for our weekly Bible talks, on during university semester.
Monday 6pm @ Islington Baptist Church. This evening includes dinner for $5.
Wednesday 12-1pm @ Clubs Room, Shortland Building, Callaghan Campus. After the talk we hang out over a BYO lunch together on the lawn.

NCS has a large group of students at Callaghan from a wide range of degrees across the health, engineering & science and humanities colleges.
We love hanging out together – often in the group study room SRG07. We also have small groups with a strong focus on equipping students and deeping our understanding of God’s word. Come and join us!
NCS has a friendly & growing group of students who meet at the University of Newcastle’s City campus (NUSpace).
We join in with the rest of NCS for larger events like the Bible Talks and camps. But we also have our own City campus vibe.
We hang out together, grab lunch in nearby cafes, and meet together in Bible triplets.
You can also find us at the Free Student Lunches at Newcastle Presbyterian Church on a Tuesday from 12pm.
Sign up, select “City” as your campus, and we’ll be in touch!

The Monday evening Bible Talk is especially suitable for TAFE students, given many of us have limited availability during the day.
If you’re a TAFE student – from any Newy campus! – we’d love to hear from you. Sign up, select “TAFE” as your campus, and we’ll be in touch!