All around Australia, churches and campus groups are working together to invite people to MEET JESUS.


  • Pray for churches and uni campuses throughout our city and region.
  • Receive regular prayer updates for the Newcastle Meet Jesus mission.
  • Pray for the mission at your church on “Launch Sunday”, July 28.
  • Join in national prayer meetings online to pray for the whole country.


  • Order a customisable Meet Jesus banner to display outside your church.
  • Equip your church to use Uncover John to introduce people to Jesus.
  • Run your own Meet Jesus sermon series or events in tandem with the regional mission.
  • Invite your church, their friends and your neighbourhood to the combined Meet Jesus event on August 20.


  • Event 1: Meet Jesus – better than you can imagine. Tuesday 20th August at the university Bar on the Hill.
  • Event 2: Combined Celebration Service. 5pm Sunday 1st September & Newcastle Civic Presbyterian Church. A combined churches evening service to celebrate God’s goodness.


  • Step 1: Fill in the Meet Jesus for Churches expression of interest form. This goes to the AFES national office. Once accepted, you will be given access to a range of Meet Jesus resources including branding, videos and training materials.
  • Step 2: Let the Newcastle team know by contacting Martin at or 0448005427.