We believe that Jesus is the Son of God, who died and was raised so that all who believe in him may have eternal life. We learn about him in the Bible, which is God’s divinely inspired word, so we spend a lot of time reading it and discussing it, as well as praying to our Heavenly Father.
For a more detailed summary of what we believe see our Statement of Beliefs. You can also view our Constitution.
Newcastle Christian Students welcomes students at all UoN’s Newcastle and Central Coast campuses.
We also have a small group that gathers at Tighes Hill TAFE, a group specifically for international students (FOCUS), and a group for postgraduate students.
Whether you have been learning about Jesus all your life, or you don’t know anything about him, you are welcome to join us — there is no better time to find out more than during university study.
Come to any of our Bible Talks and meet others learning more about Jesus. Or contact us with any questions you may have. For a concise explanation of Christianity, you can also check out Two Ways to Live.